The WiRē team regularly presents on our approach, findings, and outcomes to diverse audiences, including practitioner groups, academic conferences, and other stakeholders. View a few of our recorded talks below.
Brenkert-Smith, H. (Nov 2021) “Can humans live with wildfire? Pathways to wildfire adaptation through evidence-based approaches.” CU on the Weekend.
Champ, P.A. (Mar 2021) “Moving from parcel risk assessments to building fire adapted communities.” Cross Boundary Fire Risk Mitigation Webinar Series.
The Quiet Majority: Understanding Communities to Make Mitigation Work. April 14, 2020, presented in the Natural Hazards Center and Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Making Mitigation Work webinar series.
The Wildfire Research (WiRē) team: infusing social science into wildfire education programs through collaboration and systematic data collection. Nov 2, 2016, presented in the Interactions of Society and the Environment Seminar Series in Fort Collins, CO.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of presentations given by the WiRē Team since 2013. As demonstrated, we regularly communicate with a wide variety of audiences, ranging from applied practitioner groups (labeled as “partner meetings” below) to academic conferences.
2019 | Partner Meeting | Teton Area Wildfire |
2019 | Seminar | USGS Risk Community of Practice webinar |
2019 | Seminar | USGS Fire Science Community of Practice webinar |
2019 | Seminar | University of Colorado – Institute of Behavioral Science Seminar Series |
2019 | Partner Meeting | Spanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection (SPAWP) |
2019 | Conference | AERE Summer Conference (Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) |
2019 | Seminar | Behavioral Economics Applications in the Forest Service and Other Land and Resource Management Agencies |
2019 | Partner Meeting | California Fire Science Consortium and Southwest Fire Science Consortium |
2019 | Partner Meeting | Fire Adapted Montana |
2019 | Partner Meeting | BLM Montana/Dakotas Staff |
2019 | Partner Meeting | Missoula County Cohesive Strategy Working Group |
2018 | Partner Meeting | Fire Adapted Montana |
2018 | Partner Meeting | Ouray County Board of County Commissioners |
2018 | Partner Meeting | Co-Management of Fire Risk Transmission meetings |
2018 | Conference | Colorado Wildland Fire Conference |
2018 | Seminar | Colorado State University, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics |
2018 | Conference | National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop |
2018 | Partner Meeting | Webinar for the Fire Adapted Communities Network (FAC Net), hosted by the Landowner/Homeowner Engagement Community of Practice |
2017 | Partner Meeting | FireSafe Montana Board Meeting |
2017 | Partner Meeting | West Region Wildfire Council |
2017 | Conference | Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop |
2017 | Seminar | US Forest Service Southern Research Station Seminar |
2017 | Conference | National Cohesive Strategy Workshop |
2017 | Seminar | USGS Fire Science Community of Practice webinar |
2017 | Conference | Colorado Wildland Fire Conference |
2017 | Conference | National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: A century of wildland fire research: Contributions to long-term approaches for wildland fire management |
2017 | Partner Meeting | Front Range Fuels Treatment Partnership Roundtable; Community Protection and Landscape Restoration Teams |
2017 | Partner Meeting | Fire Adapted Colorado meeting |
2016 | Partner Meeting | CO State Forest Service Leadership Team meeting |
2016 | Partner Meeting | FireWise of Southwest Colorado – Montezuma County Chapter |
2016 | Partner Meeting | Ignite Sherbino |
2016 | Partner Meeting | Montrose Ignite |
2016 | Partner Meeting | FireWise of Southwest Colorado |
2016 | Seminar | ISESS (Interactions of Society and the Environment Seminar Series) |
2016 | Partner Meeting | San Miguel County Wildfire Coordination Group |
2016 | Partner Meeting | Town of Mountain Village Wildfire Mitigation Program |
2016 | Conference | Colorado Office of Emergency Management Conference |
2016 | Seminar | RMRS Sneak Seminar, Human-Landscape Interactions |
2015 | Conference | Backyards & Beyond |
2015 | Partner Meeting | WRWC Meeting |
2015 | Conference | Colorado Wildland Fire Conference |
2015 | Conference | ISSRM (International Symposium on Society and Resource Management) |
2015 | Conference | Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4th Annual Summer Conference |
2015 | Seminar | Fire Science Lab |
2015 | Seminar | University of Montana |
2015 | Seminar | North Carolina State University, Center for Environmental and Resource Economic Policy Colloquium |
2015 | Conference | W-3133 Meeting: Benefits and Costs of Natural Resources Policies Affecting Public and Private Lands |
2015 | Seminar | EPA Seminar |
2014 | Partner Meeting | West Region Wildfire Council |
2014 | Seminar | Southern Research Station Seminar |
2014 | Conference | Western Economic Association International (WEAI) 89th Annual Conference |
2014 | Conference | Western Agricultural Economics Association (WAEA) 2014 Annual Meeting |
2013 | Conference | Backyards & Beyond |
2013 | Seminar | CU Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop |
2013 | Partner Meeting | FireWise of Southwest Colorado |
2013 | Seminar | Air Force Academy |
2013 | Conference | W-3133 Meeting: Benefits and Costs of Natural Resources Policies Affecting Public and Private Lands |
2013 | Partner Meeting | WRWC Meeting |